
Coronavirus Outbreak-COVID Pandemic (2019–20)

Coronavirus Outbreak-COVID Pandemic (2019–20)  Coronavirus Outbreak (2019-2o) - By World Health Organization, COVID-19 Pandemic(2019–20), Signs and symptoms, Coronavirus Outbreak - Diagnosis by WHO. The Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak (2019–20)  Coronavirus Outbreak : Began as a new type of  coronavirus (2019-nCoV)  infection in mid-December of 2019 in  Wuhan city  ​​of central China . Many people started getting  pneumonia  without any reason and it was seen that most of the people who are suffering from huan seafood market sell fish and also trade live animals. Chinese scientists later identified a new breed of  coronavirus  that was given the 2019-nCoV initial designation. This new virus found at least 70 percent of the same genome sequences found in  SARS-Coronavirus . A typical diagnostic  PCR test  to detect infection With the development of, many cases were confirmed in those who were directly connected to the market and the virus was also detected in those who were not dire
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